Lojban: Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis



understate: ~= underestimate
sloppy: disagreeably [effusive: marked by expression of great or excessive emotion]
reductive: causing [reduction: the act or process of [reduce + ing: to draw together or cause to converge: CONSOLIDATE]]
smatter: (v-it) talk with superficial knowledge
purport: (v-t) to have the often specious apprearance of being, intending, or claiming (sth implied or inferred)
periphrastic(ally): (文法)迂言的な , formed by the use of function words or auxiliaries instead of by inflection; `more fair' is a periphrastic comparative
elucidate: to make [lucid: clear to the understanding] especially by explanation or analysis
contemplate: to view or consider with continued attention